What Is CBD?

CBD also known as cannabidiol, is an active ingredient obtained from hemp plants. Unlike other cannabinoids in the hemp plant, manufacturers obtain CBD from the flowers, stems, and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant, which is then converted to a raw paste.

Moreover, CBD does not contain intoxicating effects, commonly known to produce a high effect. This is due to the absence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive culprit that causes a high.

Types of CBD

Cannabidiol is available in three forms. The main difference is the compounds they contain. The three types of CBD are:

Full Spectrum CBD: This CBD contains all components contained in cannabis plants, such as terpenes and other cannabinoids. THC is also abundant in full-spectrum CBD. However, federal laws stipulate that it should contain 0.3% THC.

Broad-spectrum CBD: Unlike full-spectrum CBD, this type of CBD contains all cannabis cannabinoids except THC.

CBD Isolate: This is a pure form of CBD which is free of other cannabinoids found in cannabis Sativa plants.


THC and CBD are compounds commonly found in cannabis plants. Both compounds are similar in structure, having 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms, but the atoms are differently arranged in the products.

Furthermore, both THC and CBD present a wide range of health benefits. The key difference lies in the effect they produce. THC will most likely give you a feeling of being “high,” unlike CBD. This is why scientists widely explore the therapeutic benefits of CBD.

How is CBD Derived from Cannabis Sativa Plant?

With many compounds found in cannabis Sativa plants, CBD  and THC are the most predominant. While both compounds interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system, they tend to differ in the effects they produce. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce a feeling of euphoria. Based on scientific research, this sense of euphoria can be greater with the inhalation of THC.

On the other hand, CBD does not contain psychoactive components; hence you will not experience any euphoric feeling. However, scientists have explored the diverse range of benefits it beholds, making it one of the most studied cannabis products. Consequently, it has flooded the market with various CBD products, from gummies to tinctures and drinks.

Prior to its production, CBD manufacturers have to extract the compound from the Cannabis Sativa plant. As mentioned, CBD is highly potent in the cannabis plant, which is isolated through Supercritical  CO2 extraction. You can also derive CBD from hemp plants; however, according to federal law, the hemp plant should contain less than 0.3% THC, as reflected in the 2018 Farm Bill (formerly known as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018).

Alternative Methods Used To Extract CBD

Steam Distillation: This is an ancient process used to extract essential plant oils. It is also a common method used in alcohol production. The process involves placing cannabis in a distillation tank. Then heat and water are used to produce steam which extracts oil from the plant and floats it to the top of the tank. The oil is then condensed, which results in full-spectrum CBD oil.

Solvent Extraction: This process lies between CO2 extraction and steam distillation. It involves the use of a solvent to extract oil from hemp. Common solvents used in the process include ethanol or natural plant oils such as olive oil.

Lipid Extraction: Most manufacturers are turning to this process since it is a simple and effective method. It involves applying pressure and heat on the plant material until it forms a lipid or fat. The process is gaining popularity since it requires minimal processing and does not leave traces of solvents.

What Are The Possible Benefits of CBD?

The craze surrounding CBD lies in the plenty of health benefits it beholds. With evidence-backed facts supporting CBD use for therapeutic benefits, some countries, such as Canada, have legalized the use of prescription medications made from cannabis-derived compounds.

Here are eleven ways CBD can be beneficial based on ongoing studies.

Depression and Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety and depression are common disorders affecting millions globally. In the United States, approximately 40 million adults have anxiety disorders. Similarly, an estimated 21 million individuals have experienced at least one depressive episode.

Scientific research into the calm effects of CBD products renders it a suitable cure for anxiety and depression disorders. According to a 2014 study, CBD interacts with the body’s serotonin for a positive outcome. One way of dealing with depression is by keeping serotonin levels balanced. Serotonin in the human body regulates feelings and emotions that give you a sense of happiness and well-being.

Similarly, in a 2017 study, researchers sampled 57 men who took part in a simulated public speaking test. A portion of the group received a dose of CBD, while others received a placebo. Those on CBD had reduced anxiety levels compared to those on placebo.

Furthermore, a 2018 peer-review study on animal models displayed antidepressant and anti-stress properties of CBD after both long-term and short-term use. The research also pointed out that taking CBD does not result in addiction since it does not directly activate the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain.

Although much of this research was done on animals. CBD has a promising outlook in curing these disorders. However, more clinical trials on humans can ascertain its range of benefits and risks as a depression and anxiety cure.

Relieve Chronic Pain

If you are suffering from chronic pain, CBD can be a solution to this problem. Currently, the United States disapproves of using CBD products for pain relief. Countries like the UK approve using CBD for treating multiple sclerosis, while Canada approves it for relieving cancer-related pain. This is after other medications proved ineffective in pain management.

Preclinical trials on CBD’s effectiveness for pain management have shown significant success in managing cancer-related pain. This is after using Sativex, which contains a mix of THC and CBD for treating multiple-sclerosis pain. It is currently undergoing clinical trial in the US, which may soon see its approval as a chronic pain relief drug.

Furthermore, scientific studies reveal that CBD products are effective in providing relief against neuropathic pain. In a 2020 study, patients with nerve damage received a topical dose of CBD, while another group received a fake pill. Patients on CBD reported a significant reduction in neuropathic pain and itchy sensations. Topical CBD has a more direct effect when used in certain areas.

Epilepsy and Seizures

According to the Epilepsy Foundation, patients with epilepsy experience fewer seizure episodes after cannabidiol CBD use. Epidolex is an FDA-approved drug commonly used to treat seizures associated with severe forms of epilepsy; Dravet Syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis complex, and Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. Both forms of epilepsy tend to affect people from the tender age of two, causing life-long seizure episodes.

In a clinical study where patients with Dravet syndrome and Lennox Gastaut Syndrome were sampled, researchers administered various dosages of Epidolex to the patients. Some patients from the same group were treated with a placebo. After a few days of observation, patients on Epidolex reported fewer seizure episodes. It is worth noting that Epidolex provides this effect when used alongside a prescription drug. Furthermore, CBD reduces the severe effects caused by anti-seizure medications, which improves the patient’s quality of life.

In addition, clinical trials examining CBD’s use as an epilepsy treatment also showed improvements in depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders for patients using CBD products.

Relieve Cancer-Related Symptoms

Side effects of cancer treatment may include nausea, pain, and vomiting. CBD may help in alleviating such side effects and other cancer-related symptoms. In a previous study, 177 patients with cancer-related pain were sampled. The patients were treated with extracts containing THC and CBD. Over time, the patients reported a significant reduction in pain.

Although studies suggest cannabis-derived products are effective in relieving cancer symptoms, it is essential to consult your doctor before considering CBD treatment.

Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Scientific studies have also looked into the potential use of CBD for managing PTSD. PTSD is a mental health issue commonly triggered by a tragic event such as grief, accident, loss, or war. Common symptoms associated with PTSD include severe anxiety, nightmares, constant flashbacks, and insomnia.

Scientists have experimented with various forms of CBD for curtailing PTSD, including gummies, CBD oil, and capsules.

Similarly, in a 2019 study, researchers found that patients who took CBD capsules and were subjected to psychiatric care reported fewer PTSD symptoms.

A 2018 peer-review study showed that combining CBD with THC can significantly alleviate PTSD-associated symptoms. Although, THC presents to have more side effects compared to CBD. This is after an article published in the European Journal of Pain revealed combining THC and CBD could potentially lead to the onset of schizophrenia and psychosis. Therefore, more research is required to ascertain the safe use of THC and CBD combinations for treating PTSD symptoms.

Combat Opioid Addiction

Currently, FDA regulation approves the use of three prescription medications for treating opioid use disorder. Two of the medications, buprenorphine, and methadone, can be used as opioid substitution therapies; however, they also pose their own addiction risk.

With approximately 2.7 million people in the U.S having an opioid disorder, scientists continue to explore additional options that would alleviate this disorder. Prescription opioids are a common cause of overdose and the birth of infants with drug dependency.

As psychologists refer to addiction as a craving disorder, effective treatment would be controlling the cravings which ensue during relapse. A study conducted at Icahn School of Medicine and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry revealed that cannabidiol remarkably reduced cravings and anxiety for individuals with heroin use disorder. Also, the study showed improved psychological parameters such as stress levels and heart rates caused by craving cues. However, more human studies are necessary to ascertain the safe use of any CBD product.

Tone Down Diabetic Issues

There is much hype about the potential of CBD oil and its use by diabetes patients. Scientific study on human cells reveals that CBD can lessen the effects of high glucose levels. Typically, diabetes is a consequence of high sugar levels in the body, which affects the rate of insulin production.

In a separate study, scientists sampled individuals with Type 2 Diabetes and put them on CBD treatment. The individuals sampled were not on insulin treatment. The study conclusively revealed that CBD reduced resistin levels and increased glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide levels. Resistin tends to cause resistance in insulin, while the former controls insulin absorption from the food you ingest.

Furthermore, type 2 diabetes is well-known as an inflammatory condition as a result of insulin resistance. CBD contains anti-inflammatory properties, which prove to be effective in countering type 2 Diabetic complications. However, evidently, more research can be useful in supporting its use.

Control Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis is a condition that causes swelling or inflammation of your joints. Generally, it worsens with age culminating in the loss of motion. Arthritis medication work by reducing the pain associated with inflammation and reducing joint stiffness.

In the U.S, close to 58.5 million suffer from arthritis which is also associated with increased cases of disability. Two types of arthritis exist; osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both health conditions profoundly affect a person’s joints causing inflammation and stiffness.

According to a 2006 study, 58 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were treated with Sativex. After a while, the patients reported improved sleep quality, motion, and less pain when resting.

In a separate study, patients with osteoarthritis were treated with topical CBD in 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams dosages. Surprisingly, patients on the 250 mg dosage reported significant pain reductions and an improvement in their WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index) rating.

Neuroprotective Agent

According to research studies, cannabidiol extracts can act as neuroprotective agents thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it has. Furthermore, preclinical studies suggest the effectiveness of CBD in curtailing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and other psychiatric disorders.

Patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease tend to experience low dopamine production. This is because the cells producing dopamine in the body are reducing, leading to involuntary movements by the body.

In such instances, CBD counters this by stimulating dopamine production. It is quite unfortunate that the symptoms of Parkinson’s start to show after the death of 60 to 80% of dopamine-producing cells.

Treat ALS Symptoms

According to the ALS Association, about 5000 people living in the U.S receive an ALS diagnosis each year. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis presents painful symptoms, including stiffness and muscle weakness. Over time, individuals with ALS may experience muscle paralysis of the limbs and progressive wasting. Vital functions such as breathing, speech, and swallowing soon become challenging.

ALS is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by damage to essential neurons in the brain, spinal cord, and motor cortex. The exact cause of ALS is still unclear; however, it is estimated that military veterans are twice as likely to develop ALS. Research studies examining the use of CBD in alleviating ALS symptoms have so far proven to be promising. However, the preclinical trials are not yet conclusive.

Research findings generally show that CD can alleviate ALS symptoms, such as opening airways that allow ease of breathing while also easing pain and muscle tension. What’s more, it reduces saliva production, which helps prevent drooling, which is a factor of swallowing issues.

Studies done in 2007 indicated that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can delay the onset of neuroinflammation commonly caused by ALS. In a rodent study, mice with ALS symptoms showed a significant increase in survival rates after a dosage of hemp-derived CBD products.

Improve Heart Health

Research around CBD and cardiovascular health suggests some health benefits; however, it remains a grey area. Studies indicate that CBD can potentially lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure can result in several health issues, including stroke, heart failure, metabolic syndrome, aneurysm, or a heart attack.

In a study that sampled a small cohort of healthy men, the administration of 600mg of CBD oil significantly reduced their resting blood pressure. A percentage of the cohort that received a placebo did not present any changes. Although preclinical evidence suggests that CBD can improve heart health, more human studies are required for conclusivity.

What are the Side Effects of CBD Products

Although cannabidiol (CBD) has various health benefits, it has a fair share of risks and side effects. It is advisable to seek medical counsel before attempting to self-medicate on CBD products. The following are possible side effects you may experience with CBD.

Dry Mouth

Taking oral CBD  can result in dryness of the mouth, commonly known as xerostomia. Xerostomia is a condition caused when your mouth does not produce enough saliva. Scientific evidence stipulates that CBD interaction in the mouth blocks saliva production resulting in mouth dryness or “cotton mouth. You may experience a feeling of thirst after consuming CBD orally.

Gastrointestinal Issues

CBD may cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. In other cases, it may result in liver injury. However, this depends on the individual and frequency of use.


Although CBD lacks the psychoactive ingredient commonly found in THC, it may also cause drowsiness and sedation. This is considered a plus in different circumstances since it counters insomnia and may be used as a sleep aid. The drowsiness effect of CBD may be strong when taken with other medications.


CBD can also potentially cause nausea in individuals, especially with high doses. Studies indicate that the nausea effects may be mild and resolve over time. A proper dosage of CBD can help remediate the nausea effect. However, talking to a healthcare provider before using any CBD product is advisable.

Drug Interactions

Taking CBD with other medications may produce adverse effects. It may increase the onset of unwanted symptoms as well as toxicity. For instance, taking CBD with prescription medications such as antidepressants can increase sleepiness and fatigue. This becomes detrimental, especially when driving or operating machinery, which can lead to accidents.

How to Take Cannabidiol CBD

There are various ways of taking CBD. However, each method differs in how the body absorbs it. You may find most of these products online or in medical dispensaries. Although its availability is subject to state laws. Here are some of the common forms of CBD products.


CBD oil is one of the common cannabidiol extracts sold online. It is from cannabis resin which is then concentrated into an essential oil. Most dispensaries will have cannabidiol oil made from pure CBD, while others may contain trace amounts of THC.

CBD oil gives you an array of options when it comes to us. You can use it in salad dressings, add it to your coffee or smoothie or place a few drops under your tongue. The sublingual application tends to have a rapid effect due to its bioavailability.

CBD Edibles

CBD-infused foods are another common way of taking CBD. Edibles will not cause an intoxicating effect but will cause a relaxing or mellow effect. However, CBD edibles may take longer to produce the effect, 30 minutes to two hours, especially as pain medications. This is because edibles must undergo digestion before the body can actively absorb them.

CBD Topicals

You can also use CBD topicals which you apply directly to your skin. This is an effective way of administering pain medications, especially in areas with inflammation. Some topicals are also infused with beeswax or fragrant coconut oil, making you smell good.

CBD Tincture

CBD tincture is similar to CBD oil. The key difference is that tinctures are an alcohol-based extract. Tinctures tend to have a trace of bitterness and a prominent earthy flavor which is normally masked by flavoring or sweeteners. Due to this, CBD tinctures may not be common, and most manufacturers may sell them as CBD oil.

Is CBD Legal?

The legalization of hemp farming through the 2018 farm bill has raised several issues surrounding the exact legal status of CBD products. The enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, legalizing CBD. However, there is a contention.

Laws legalizing CBD allow its production from hemp that contains 0.3% THC. The use of hemp that contains THC above this percentage is considered illegal. Therefore, not all CBD products are legal. What’s more, federal laws permit the manufacture of CBD from a licensed grower, and all manufacturers should adhere to state-federal regulations.

Any CBD product meeting the above requirements can be produced, sold or transported across U.S state lines. However, it is important to note that the legalization of CBD on the federal level does not assume its legality in all states. Each state has the liberty to ban or approve CBD trade.

Also, FDA works to protect the public’s health. The agency has recently warned companies against selling unapproved animal drugs containing CBD products meant for food-producing animals. The agency has also urged other companies to stop selling CBD products under the claim of curing diseases.

How Can I Check for CBD’s Legality

Although most CBD manufacturers will state that their product is legal, you can never be too sure about this. The best way to ascertain its legal status is by checking the Certificate of Analysis (COA).

A COA is a lab result produced by a third party independent lab that seeks to verify the products’ ingredients. The COA will provide detailed information, including

  • Amount of cannabinoids
  • Residual solvents
  • Presence of pesticides and heavy metals
  • Microbial contaminants.

The COA will also determine whether the raw material used lies within the federal limits of <0.3%.

Can CBD Get You High?

Pure CBD does not contain the active ingredient found in THC and gives you a euphoric feeling. However, if you come across a CBD product with added ingredients such as THC, you may experience an altered state or drowsiness effect. Combining CBD and THC results in the entourage effect.

What is the Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

While both Hemp oil and CBD oil are sourced from cannabis Sativa plants, they are both quite different. Hemp oil is produced from hemp seeds which contain less than 0.3% THC. On the other hand, CBD is extracted from the stalk, flowers, and leaves of hemp and cannabis plants.

Hemp seed oil is an omega-rich culinary oil containing omega-3 fatty acids, linolenic acids, and tocopherols. The oil is made through cold pressing, which is then processed and packed. Due to its abundance of essential fatty acids, hemp seed oil can be used as a salad dressing or as dietary supplement.

Do Cannabidiol CBD Products Expire?

Yes, they do. Every processed product has a shelf life, and so does CBD. CBD oil, a common CBD product, has 12 to 24 months of shelf life. However, this is dependent on a number of factors, including;


As you know, high-quality products tend to last longer than their counterparts. CBD made from high-quality hemp will live through its expiry date. Factors such as growing conditions and chemicals such as pesticides can significantly affect the end product’s shelf life.

CBD Type

The type of CBD used in making cannabis derive products may also affect CBD shelf life. For instance, CBD isolate is free of other cannabis Sativa plant components. Hence it will last longer. However, products made from full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD may have a shorter lifespan due to the presence of other cannabinoids and essential oils.


It is advisable to store CBD in a cool and dark place. Exposure to light and moisture can make the CBD deteriorate faster. Most manufacturers package CBD products in amber-colored bottles to deter light from passing through.

Method of Extraction

The CBD extraction method impacts the quality of CBD you get at the end. Carbon dioxide extraction results in pure CBD, which is free from other compounds. Extraction methods such as us solvent extraction can result in residual solvents, which affect the stability of the product, consequently altering its shelf life. It helps to learn more about CBD extraction methods before making your next purchase.


Additional ingredients found in CBD will have their own shelf life, affecting your product’s life span. Therefore, CBD, which is free of ingredients such as flavoring, tends to last longer.

Reputable Manufacturers

More often than not, reputable and licensed manufacturers tend to abide by laws regarding the processing of CBD products. Licensed sellers will have approval from Foods Standards Agency (FSA). This assures you that the product has undergone thorough testing techniques resulting in high-quality CBD products.

How much CBD Should You Take?

CBD dosage ranges with a number of factors, including:

  • Body weight
  • CBD concentration
  • Body chemistry
  • The condition is being treated.

Before opting for CBD, consult a healthcare professional on the risks and the right dosage for you. Notwithstanding, starting with a small dose and gradually increasing it while checking for symptoms is essential.

It is easy to determine the amount of CBD in gummies, pills, or capsules compared to oil or tinctures. A CBD capsule will be expressed in milligrams per unit. However, capsules do not offer flexibility in dosage control since you can’t split them.

You can also determine the CBD dosage for oil and tinctures using the dropper. Most droppers have a volume of 0.05 milliliters. This means a 30ML CBD oil bottle will contain 600 drops.  If the tincture has a concentration of 3000mg, each drop will have 5 milligrams of CBD.

Is it Possible to Overdose on CBD?

As the saying goes, anything in excess is poisonous. However, the same cannot be said for CBD. According to a 2011 research review, humans can tolerate high doses of up to 1500 mg of CBD daily. A subsequent study that was done in 2017 also supports this.

However, research undertaken in 2019 raised a number of safety concerns after administering high dosages to rats.

With few side effects known, such as nausea, dry mouth, and fatigue, more scientific research is required to determine the safe consumption levels of CBD. However, until then, you are safe consuming small doses as a start.

Can CBD Show up in a Drug Test?

Although cannabidiol (CBD) is derived from the cannabis plant, it will not appear in a drug test. This is because most drug tests will check for THC that causes the high effect. Pure CBD is free of THC and will not appear in a drug test. However, consuming CBD products containing 0.3% of THC may appear in a drug test.

Can CBD Products be sold as Dietary Supplements?

Although CBD is readily obtainable in various states, it is not legal to be sold as a dietary supplement. Despite research showing that CBD can be safely consumed as dietary supplements the FDA continues to reiterate its approach to regulating CBD products.

Where Can I Find A CBD Store Near Me In San Antonio, TX?

Artisan Vapor & CBD provides the highest quality CBD products on the web and in our retail stores. CBD is one of the cannabis-derived products with a wide range of health benefits. You also need a healthy lifestyle coupled with exercise and good nutrition. Also, taking CBD under medical supervision is advisable if you are on other medicines. Come visit us in our local CBD store, Artisan Vapor & CBD San Antonio l Vape Shop l CBD Store l Smoke Shop | Kratom l Delta 8 THC | Elf Bar | Esco Bars | 3Chi, in San Antonio, TX at 9820 Huebner Rd #103, San Antonio, TX 78240 to buy CBD products: CBD gummies, CBD oil, CBD flower, CBD tinctures, and more! If you are looking for a CBD store near me in San Antonio, TX, visit us today to find a CBD product for you. We are open 7 days a week. Our hours are Sunday 12:00PM-9:00PM and Monday-Saturday 10:00AM-9:00PM.